Friday, September 12, 2008

Palin Party

With all this hype over Gov. Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate, here's a few political cartoons. With a sizable boost in polls after the GOP convention and Palin's nomination these cartoons explain why the GOP will not give up and why we will never surrender.

My personal favorite:

Monday, September 8, 2008

Media Meltdown

How can it be? No Olbermann or Matthews until after the elections? WHAT????

All you anti-media junkies out there (including me) have just received the greatest and possible the most truthful piece of news the media can offer. It is hard to imagine that a media source could be so forthcoming with news of great truth, but they managed to pull it off. Maybe this is what Obama meant when he said, "change that we can believe in." The most liberal news station on TV, MSNBC has just admitted their total irresponsibility over truthful and unbiased news reporting by booting both Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann from their anchor desks. Perhaps it was because MSNBC fell to dead last in the Nielsen rankings during the conventions or perhaps it was the "experience" of David Gregory that trumped the extremely liberal talking points of Olbermann and Matthews. Either way, the American people were basically told that MSNBC is sorry for its ultra liberal leaning and for practically giving a 24 hour a day endorsement of Obama.

Let's look at some of the numbers. During both Democrat and Republican Conventions, MSNBC scored dead last with an average of 2.5 million viewers a night, the leader being FOX News with almost 4 times the amount, 9.2 million average viewers a night. With such deplorable numbers as these, Olbermann and Matthews at the helm have driven MSNBC's numbers down the drain. It seems like management at MSNBC have clear evidence that the extreme liberal pandering of Matthews and especially Olbermann, they had to go. MSNBC will now turn to David Gregory, a former White House press corps person, to deliver less of an opinionated version of the news, which last I checked is supposed to be fact, not opinions.

Here are a few quotes that probably didn't take too kindly to the potential viewers that would have watched MSNBC during the conventions had Olbermann and Matthews not commanded the stage:

Olbermann (in reference to a 9/11 tribute video at the RNC): "We would be rightly eviscerated at all quarters, perhaps by the Republican Party itself, for exploiting the memories of the dead, and perhaps even for trying to evoke that pain again. If you reacted to that videotape the way I did, I apologize.”

Olbermann (after sarcastically dismissing GOP pundit Pat Buchanan for saying the the GOP base had been reestablished with Sarah Palin's nomination as VP): “Those reading Us Weekly with the picture of her and her youngest daughter with the word ’scandal’ written across it won’t be so happy.”

Olbermann (in reference to Palin's private personal life): “We’ll see if people feel sorry for unfounded rumors on the Internet,” he said. “If that’s the case, Senator Obama’s probably standing up and cheering and waiting for people to feel sorry for him.”

Olbermann (caught on microphone mocking another MSNBC host, Joe Scarborough for noting some positive developments in the McCain campaign): “Jesus, Joe, why don’t you get a shovel?”

Clearly we can see that Olbermann has made more enemies even within his own liberal media haven aka MSNBC. I would suggest Olbermann blog to let out some of his steam but he is so evil to his core that there is no hope for logic to settle into his brain. If viewership goes way up as a result of this detoxification of MSNBC, I think Matthews and Olbermann can kiss their shows goodbye. I can only pray that the Lord is extra forgiving on judgement day. Next stop..... CNN.

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Republican National Convention (Days 3 and 4)

The final two days of the convention were in my opinion a grand slam for all those Americans out there who would put their country before their party. I think we can all say that George Washington was right to think that parties would be intolerable. John McCain and Sarah Palin have shown us that after they are in office, America will be closer to the true image that George Washington had in mind as he watched Thomas Jefferson and John Adams beginning to divide the country. Here is a recap of the last two nights of the convention.

In case you missed any of this day's convention here are a few clips:

Here's the Roll Call vote which gave McCain enough delegates in order to be officially nominated the next day.

This next clip is Mitt Romney's scathing attacks on the liberal left.

Here we have Mike Huckabee's down to earth speech talking about American values and his support for John McCain.

Next we have Rudy Giuliani's speech which ran about 25 minutes as the keynote address at the Republican Convention.

And now we have the biggest speech of the night, Sarah Palin's acceptance of the Vice Presidency.

As you can see, Day 3 was action packed with a barrage of speakers from all points of view of our great party. The next day would prove essential to get a Convention bump and keep the polls tight until election time.

This was the final day of the Convention with John McCain's acceptance of his party's nomination for president of the U.S.

I guess CNN determined McCain's speech to be so good that they broke it up into two parts. Here we have John McCain's 2-Part acceptance speech.

As we have just seen, the Republican party is the party of "country first" where Obama has shown us that his campaign is all about party and not about the entire country. The last I heard this is the United States of America not the Democratic Party of the United States. Country should always come first, especially in the case of the presidency of the United States.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Republican National Convention (Days 1 and 2)

Now that Gustav has passed, we can see that our prayers for New Orleans have been answered. With no major flooding, we can now refocus our attention on the GOP Convention. Here are some clips in recap of Days 1 and 2.

In case you missed some of the Convention here's a few clips:

Here, we have Laura Bush calling America to take off their political party hats and put on American hats in the wake of Hurricane Gustav that has caused great damage in the Gulf:

Next, we have a clip from Cindy McCain about how viewers and Republicans can donate money to help with organizations who are relocating/rebuilding the hurricane-ravished Gulf Coast:

Here is a clip of an interview between CNN and a Louisiana delegate regarding evacuations in New Orleans and elsewhere in Louisiana:

Since the GOP really didn't know how Gustav would play out, Cindy McCain and Laura Bush were really the only speakers of note for Day 1.

After Day 1, it was determined that Gustav spared New Orleans for the most part and the Convention decided to put the Grande Olde Show back on the road. Here are some clips from Day 2 of the GOP National Convention:

Since President Bush is working on the post-Gustav cleanup of the Gulf Coast region, he could not make the Convention. He did, however, have time to put together an 8 minute video in support of John McCain. Here it is:

Next is a clip from my Senator, who has recently seen the bright light of the GOP by endorsing McCain and shares a similar national security stance with the Republican base, Joe Lieberman (I-CT). Here is the 20 minute clip:

Here is a 26 minute clip from Fred Thompson's speech, where he throws in some barbs against Obama and the unpopular Democrat controlled Congress:

Obviously a much bigger day than Day 1, we heard from all the spectrums that have gathered in support of McCain whether, Republican, Independent, or Democrat.