Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Republican National Convention (Days 1 and 2)

Now that Gustav has passed, we can see that our prayers for New Orleans have been answered. With no major flooding, we can now refocus our attention on the GOP Convention. Here are some clips in recap of Days 1 and 2.

In case you missed some of the Convention here's a few clips:

Here, we have Laura Bush calling America to take off their political party hats and put on American hats in the wake of Hurricane Gustav that has caused great damage in the Gulf:

Next, we have a clip from Cindy McCain about how viewers and Republicans can donate money to help with organizations who are relocating/rebuilding the hurricane-ravished Gulf Coast:

Here is a clip of an interview between CNN and a Louisiana delegate regarding evacuations in New Orleans and elsewhere in Louisiana:

Since the GOP really didn't know how Gustav would play out, Cindy McCain and Laura Bush were really the only speakers of note for Day 1.

After Day 1, it was determined that Gustav spared New Orleans for the most part and the Convention decided to put the Grande Olde Show back on the road. Here are some clips from Day 2 of the GOP National Convention:

Since President Bush is working on the post-Gustav cleanup of the Gulf Coast region, he could not make the Convention. He did, however, have time to put together an 8 minute video in support of John McCain. Here it is:

Next is a clip from my Senator, who has recently seen the bright light of the GOP by endorsing McCain and shares a similar national security stance with the Republican base, Joe Lieberman (I-CT). Here is the 20 minute clip:

Here is a 26 minute clip from Fred Thompson's speech, where he throws in some barbs against Obama and the unpopular Democrat controlled Congress:

Obviously a much bigger day than Day 1, we heard from all the spectrums that have gathered in support of McCain whether, Republican, Independent, or Democrat.

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