Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Pickens Plan

Today, Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens went to Capitol Hill to discuss his multi-billion dollar plan to reduce America's dependence on foreign energy. The Texas billionaire shows that he and his company are prepared to invest in solar, natural gas, and especially wind energy. Our country has a vast "wind corridor" stretching from Texas to the Canadian border where wind turbines could be placed which could increase the domestic energy supply by 20% or more. Along with his money, Pickens said that private investors will also help foot the bill on this great conservative project. Pickens is so confident in this that he is also investing a personal $2 billion in this great project to become less energy dependent.

When asked about the offshore drilling question (which McCain approves of and Obama does not), Pickens says we should not just focus on the Southeastern Coast and the West Coast but our deposits on our own homeland, especially in ANWR which can reduce our dependence considerably. Pickens predicts that our country will be entirely energy/oil independent by 2050. The quest for energy independence will also create thousands of more jobs which will benefit this nation altogether. It's sad that an oilman/investor has to tell Congress how to do their job. The Democrats in Congress are trying to hold out for 20 more years until we develop altogether new sources of energy and that is 20 years we don't have to fix this country. We have Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to thank for this. No wonder why their approval ratings are even lower than President Bush.

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