Thursday, July 31, 2008

One Month of Chaos

At the end of the week, Congress will adjourn for the month during this recession-like period where we need an active government the most. Yet, the oil crisis still remains unsolved with not even a simple action. At the same time, there has been so much deadlock within Congress that it seems like they've been on vacation since last year's elections. Nancy Pelosi continues to put the economic life of the country in check in order to further her extreme liberal agenda. The oil crisis is probably the lead cause in the current economic downturn and there is still nothing even on the table to fix it. President Bush and Senate Republicans are rightly calling for an emergency session during the scheduled vacation period in order to deal with this dire issue. Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) said that Congress should not be taking a vacation in this situation while Americans are struggling to make their own vacation plans. We should reduce our dependence on foreign oil, which both parties agree on. The Democrats think that cutting down on speculation is simply the way to fix the situation. In reality, our dependence on other nations' oil is virtually making the U.S. a world hostage. I think both parties would like to see oil retired as our biggest source of energy, but as of now there is no alternative. The only thing we can do now is to get our own oil off of our shores, on our mainland, and in Alaska. We must acquire as much of our own resources in order to have more funding for new fuels and to allow for more Americans to be able to go on vacations again.

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