Friday, August 1, 2008

The 5 Hour Rebellion

On Friday, members of Congress departed for a month-long vacation while the economic crisis is still unsolved. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and her Democrat allies had all the lights, microphones, and C-SPAN cameras turned off because there was no need to keep them running if no one would be there to use them. They were not, however, prepared for the next 5 hours after the shutdown. Around noontime just before the final Democrat, Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich, had left the halls of Congress, a rebellion began. A small band of Republicans lead by minority leader John Boehner of Ohio, Georgia Rep. Tom Price, and Indiana Rep. Mike Pence demanded for an emergency session of Congress in order to deal with the oil crisis. Democrats tried to keep this occurrence on the down-low by forcing members of the media to leave the lobby that adjoins the floor where the Republicans were speaking. Arizona Rep. John Shadegg was able to input a random code into the computers to turn on the microphones and, thus, the rebellion began. For the next 5 hours, Republicans read speaches, held chants, and sang songs such as "God Bless America." By then, Republicans had allowed people in the gallery to watch the event and were greeted with loud applause. Clearly, the normal citizens attending saw the devotion of at least one party to try and fix the oil crisis. In all, 48 Republicans spoke at and 75 attended the event. Republican California Rep. Devin Nunes even pretended to be a Democrat for a day and paraded across the chamber with a poster of a VW Bug with a sail attached to it, as a witty way to show the way Democrats want to solve the oil issue. Texas Rep. John Culberson sent numerous cell phone recordings to his own Twitter site. By 5pm, the speeches and hymns were over and it was time to put the demonstration to rest. The members of the rebellion left the chamber chanting, "USA! USA! USA!"

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