Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain / Palin 08

Last night, the crowds gathered for an event of epic proportion. Some call him a rock star and some call him charismatic. Some call him a beacon of change and others call him a glimmer of hope. But in reality, Obama represents something much larger. Last night, liberals from East to West gathered in Denver, Colorado to witness the dawn of a new era.

Religions, whether Christianity, Judaism, or Islam, all believe that God will come to this Earth once more in judgement of the righteous and the sinners. Why do I bring this up? Because, in his "Christ-like" glory, a Savior has been born. His name is Barack Hussein Obama. Upon "His" altar, in the American city closest to the heavens, a king was crowned. The new "Lord and Savior" has returned from Mount Olympus riding chariots of glory. The 80,000 gathered in awe as Barack spread the "Good News." He divided rally signs just as the previous Savior did with the "loaves and fishes." Long story short, the world was basically told that the "Kingdom of Heaven" has arrived. We were told that those led astray from the path will be persuaded to obey "His" words and live as he has lived and do as he has done. All that was heard was "Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama!" from "sea to shining sea." It's a shame I forgot to turn the TiVo on. I guess I better pack my bags for warm weather...

Aside from the coming of the "Messiah," just a day after Obama delivered his liberal agenda and demonstrated his lack of experience to the world, John McCain has stolen his thunder. We all know that polls were even going into the DNC. We know that as a result polls have shifted slightly for Lord Obama (Rasmussen poll shows Obama 49% McCain 45%). Not bad for a supposed liberal landslide the media had expected since Bush is so unpopular. The RNC is not yet underway which allows for more wiggle room.

Today, Senator John McCain selected reformer and conservative Governor of the great state of Alaska, Sarah Palin. Since Obama proved that picking Hillary would make it too easy for him to win the elections in November, he left his so called "historic" ticket at a minimal historic value. We also saw that with Obama's pick of Delaware Senator Joe Biden, Obama let us know that he truly has no clue when it comes to national security and lacks the experience one needs in these difficult times. I especially liked when Obama's camp sent a scathing note to the media a few hours before Palin was selected by McCain, discussing Palin's inexperience as a mayor in a town of 9,000. They did not, however, talk about her being governor for the same amount of time as Obama since he began ignoring his post in the Senate and running for president. Where Obama tries to change laws in Washington, he has absolutely 0 experience running an economy. Sarah Palin, as governor, was in charge of the entire infrastructure of Alaska, while Obama was taking sweetheart deals from Tony Rezko, who is, by the way, behind bars as we speak.

Here's a little background of the woman from the largest state in the Union, Gov. Sarah Palin (courtesy of CNN):

  • Born: February 11, 1964, Sandpoint, Idaho

  • Education: B.S., University of Idaho, 1987

  • Elected offices: Wasilla, Alaska, City Council member, 1992-96

    Wasilla mayor, 1996-2002

    Elected governor of Alaska, 2006

  • Professional career: Television sports reporter, 1987-89; co-owner, commercial fishing operation, 1988-2007; owner, snow machine, watercraft and all-terrain vehicle business, 1994-97; chairwoman, Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, 2003-04.

  • Married: To Todd Palin; five children. The oldest, Track, serves in the U.S. Army; the youngest, Trig, has Down syndrome.

  • Something not listed here is Sarah Palin's rejection of the "Bridge to Nowhere" plan and other pork-barrel projects that waste billions of taxpayer dollars, especially for the hundreds of millions of Americans who will never even visit a bridge that they paid for. The fact that Palin is the first GOP female on the ticket in the history of the party should speak volumes to the 54% of women voters this year. Palin's "maverick" ideas go right along with McCain and the idea of "country first, party second." Obama has shown us that it's the liberal agenda first, voting party lines second, operating a campaign of sexism and elitism, then maybe listening to what Independents and Republicans say, then implementing leftist ideas. Governor Palin's other advantage is that she is not of Washington. Obama, who says we need to escape from the "same old Washington politics," chose Joe Biden of all people, someone who's been enveloped by Washington politics for longer than John McCain. Then Obama has the nerve to say that Palin is "more of the same?" If this argument is true, and you add up the Washington politics that have been employed by Obama/Biden and those of McCain/Palin, then we should see what exactly is "politics as usual." The Obama/Biden team have been in Washington for a combined 38 years, while the McCain/Palin team have been in Washington for a combined 25 years. Now tell me, who is the "same old Washington politics?"

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