Tuesday, August 5, 2008

MoveOn or Drill?

Now in its 3rd day, the GOP's House rebellion is still going on. There is not much media attention because the "liberal" media knows that such a rebellion can really hurt the Democrats, whether it be Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, or Barack Obama. There might be a way to increase such attention, however, and members of the liberal movement can be its ultimate cause. Up until today, this rebellion has only made it to Politico.com and other political sites but it has not even scratched the surface of the big media sites or TV news programs. Today, liberal think tank MoveOn.org encouraged a group of about 50 leftwingers to show up and protest the GOP protest of Democrats in Congress from leaving for vacation. In addition, about 20 conservatives affiliated with Free Republic were there to counteract MoveOn. Such a protest actually sparked the interest of a CNN camera crew and some other reporters. No doubt the media was there only to explain the story of the MoveOn fanatics, but at least attention was brought to this situation. Hopefully, tomorrow's Day 4 Rebellion will draw even more attention and possibly be given airtime on an evening news show or at least on a mainstream media website. The message must be understood that Republicans in the House have sacrificed their vacations in order to help Americans go on theirs. This won't be possible if the intolerant Democrats continue their stranglehold on Congress until what they hope will be an Obama administration takes over the White House.

On the subject of drilling legislation, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and House allies are calling for Democrats, particularly "freshmen," to sign new discharge petitions in order to force Pelosi to hold a vote. Reps. Jason Altmire (D-PA) and Don Cazayoux (D-LA) are now asking other Democrats to join with them to get something done on this dire issue. Pelosi, however, remains unwilling to negotiate as if the GOP was a terrorist nation. On Sunday, Pelosi appeared on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos. Early in the interview Stephanopoulos pointed out that when Pelosi took office as Speaker, she promised "open, full and fair debate." Stephanopoulos then asked, "If [Republicans] want to offer a drilling proposal, why can't they have a vote?" Pelosi replied, "They, they, they, they'll have to use their imaginations as to how they can get a vote." Clearly, Pelosi is so wrapped up in the liberal sphere that she cannot even formulate sentences properly when it comes to the evil GOP. I wonder what her imagination will lead us to as a solution for economic issues. I am more interested into seeing how long it takes for even a single vote to take place on any issue of reducing oil prices. Only time, that we don't have, will tell.

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