Saturday, August 30, 2008

Moore of the Same

Last night I broke my rule to never watch the master of liberal stupidity Keith Olbermann on "Countdown." I was about to turn the station when Keith mentioned that Bush hypercritic Michael Moore would be on the program. I haven't heard his name mentioned since he tried to tie Bush with a master plan of global domination in "Fahrenheit 9/11." I just thought this clip from the show would illustrate Moore's ideas which as liberals like to say, "more of the same." Mr. Moore thrives on death and world suffering as a talking point to attack the Bush administration. While I do see some Democrats as hoping for failure in Iraq to further their political ambitions, Michael Moore makes these Democrats seem extremely conservative. This is a man whom I'm sure could think of one way to call Republicans murderers, when he supports the largest mass-murder in the world each year through the sin of abortion. Here is the interview with Mr. Moore.

CAUTION: WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK... If you feel the need to pray for liberals after watching this, you may choose to do so. May God have mercy on their souls.

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